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The Live Like Mel Foundation, a nonprofit organization created to continue the legacy of Melanie Sutter who passed away February 2019 from glioblastoma brain cancer, is announcing the launch of its new brand identity and logo. Over three hundred and fifty people took part in a public, online poll to help select the final logo that will represent the Foundation’s brand.

The winning design is a drawing of Mel’s favorite pair of sunglasses with a palm tree on one side and a flamingo on the other side. “These sunglasses represent her happy spot as she wore the sunglasses when she was hosting a group of friends out on her pontoon boat on the lake that she lived on,” said Live Like Mel Foundation President and Mel’s son, Cory Calvin. “We wanted to celebrate her legacy by creating a brand that represents her bright and loving spirit.”

The freehand drawing represents the free-spirited nature that a child would draw. The graphic designer from Macedonia was inspired by the children’s book, The Little Prince, written by French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The main theme of the book is that adults have lost their creativity as they grow up, and how adults have difficulty seeing the world from a child’s perspective: simple and beautiful with all of it’s imperfections.  And Mel lived her life appreciating the beauty in everything, including life’s imperfections. 

While Mel loved bright colors, the rainbow holds significant meaning for Mel and her family. A rainbow appeared in the minutes after Mel’s father passed in 2006 and then multiple rainbows were spotted the morning after Mel passed letting her friends and family know that she was ok.

The Live Like Mel Foundation is currently working on the criteria of its annual scholarship that will be offered for the first time in 2019. “It is our hope to inspire future and/or current educators through a scholarship with the goal of positively impacting the education of students, just as my mother did for nearly thirty years,” Mr. Calvin said. The Foundation will release the scholarship through its Facebook page and newsletter.  If you would like to be included in the distribution of the newsletter in the future, CLICK HERE to enter your email address and subscribe.

About The Live Like Mel Foundation

The Live Like Mel Foundation is a non-profit organization that continues the legacy of former Ohio educator, Melanie B. Sutter, who passed away on February 2019, from glioblastoma brain cancer. The purpose of The Live Like Mel Foundation is twofold: 1) to support the field of education by recognizing and providing financial assistance to future and current educators and 2) to support individuals and families impacted by glioblastoma by providing educational information and resources.